Motrin blood disorders - Dosing & Uses
Platelets are very sensitive and can react to many substances, interfering with their ability to clot or triggering their removal from circulation. Be.
Hemophilia is a rare, inherited bleeding disorder that can range from mild to severe, depending on how much clotting factor is present in the blood.
Hemophilia results from a genetic defect found on the X chromosome.
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Women have two X chromosomes, motrin blood disorders. Women who have one X chromosome with the defective gene are termed carriers and they can pass the disease onto their sons. Due to random chromosome activation, some women carriers may range from asymptomatic to symptomatic depending on how much of their factor VIII or IX is inactivated.
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Men have one X and one Y chromosome, so if their X chromosome has the defective gene, they will have hemophilia, motrin blood disorders. Because disorder does not clot properly without enough clotting factor, any cut or injury carries the risk of excessive bleeding. In addition, people with hemophilia may suffer from internal bleeding that can damage joints, organs, and tissues over time.
In the past, motrin blood disorders, people with hemophilia were treated with transfusions of factor VIII obtained from donor blood, but by the early s these products were blooded to be transmitting blood-borne viruses, including hepatitis motrin HIV.
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Von Willebrand disease is an inherited condition that results when the blood lacks functioning von Willebrand factor, a protein that helps the blood to clot and also carries another clotting protein, factor VIII.
It is usually milder than hemophilia and can affect both males and females. Women are especially affected by von WIllebrand disease during menses. Von Willebrand disease is classified into three different types Types 1, motrin blood disorders, 2, and 3based on the levels of von Willebrand factor and factor VIII activity in the blood.
Type 1 is the mildest and most common disorder Type 3 is the most severe and least common form. With early diagnosis, people with von Willebrand disease can lead normal, active lives.
People with mild cases may not require treatment, but should avoid taking drugs that could aggravate bleeding, such as motrin and ibuprofen, without first consulting blood a doctor.
More serious cases may be treated with drugs that increase the level of von Willebrand factor in the blood or with infusions of blood factor concentrates, motrin blood disorders.
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It is important motrin people with von Willebrand disease to blood with their doctors before having surgery, having dental work, motrin blood disorders, or giving disorder, so that proper precautions can be taken to prevent excessive bleeding. You may be referred to a hematologist, motrin blood disorders, a doctor who specializes in the treatment of blood disorders.
If you find that you are interested in learning more about blood diseases and disorders, here are a few other resources that may be of some help: