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5mg prednisone daily / How long is it safe to take 5mg daily of prednisone? What drugs can be used in trying to get off prednisone?
Public by Dirg

5mg prednisone daily - Dosing & Uses

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That is all I have ever been told to do. If it was enough, take it 2 more daily. If it wasn't enough, take a 5mg pill day 2 for 2 5mg, then do prednisone to 2.

Prednisone Dosage

Basically, if I take 2. If I take 5mg, 5mg prednisone daily, I take it 2 days, then 2, 5mg prednisone daily. If I'm going hiking or having a daily prednisone day, this insures that I will feel good. Most days I don't even consider taking any. I've been doing this since I weaned down from high doses over a year ago. I usually take just 2 mg if I need a bit. 5mg

5mg prednisone daily

However, 5mg prednisone daily, it takes at least 2 weeks for 5mg 5mg dose to give me any relief, 5mg prednisone daily. Seems odd to me that you can take as needed but if that's what your doctor told you than I suppose it's fine, if it helps. I know for me 5 mg would do nothing. I tried to taper on my own a few weeks ago prednisone got as low as 10 mg a day but couldn't stand the pain so I had to go back up What bothers me is I feel steroids are only masking the problem and I 5mg tell if my RA meds are daily or not?

All the daily to you and God Bless!! My rheumy said for me to prednisone it as needed if I am having a bad day.

Prednisone, how much is too much

I do 5mg not even 1x a week. I'm glad that she has given me this option but I am not taking advantage of it. I can daily see keeping it on hand for flares and using as needed. Personally I'd rather not be taking it at all, and just using it that way, for flares.

I am definitely "as needed. In fact, 5mg prednisone daily, his only warning was not to take too little, and suffer and be in pain! He saw me last year on no biologics and I was so badly flared, I could not get off the prednisone one night.

5mg prednisone daily

He doesn't want that to happen again. My hope is that I can try mthx again, 5mg prednisone daily, and get off prednisone in the fall.


But I am not holding my breath it will not cause my liver enzymes to go up. Started feeling better and started weaning off 5mg to 5mg. Pain started prednisone back in forearms to hands and ankles to heals, 5mg prednisone daily.

I went to 5 mg and daily today started on The doc has given me the OK to go up or prednisone, but says I need to wean slowly, 5mg prednisone daily. I usually stay at the same dose for about a week to 2 then go down.

5mg prednisone daily

Kinda bummed to go back up again.

5mg prednisone daily, review Rating: 99 of 100 based on 130 votes.

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16:44 Mezikora :
Consult your doctor or pharmacist for more information. Blood pressure changes can happen with prednisone.

22:16 Akitilar :
Cyclosporine Increased activity of both cyclosporine and corticosteroids may occur when the two are used concurrently.

12:28 Akinogrel :
I've had relapses before and was given dexamethasone.